Sustainable Raleigh Responds to Copycat Group
Last week, Sustainable Raleigh was made aware of a copycat organization using the same name as us. The copycat group created a "Sustainable Raleigh" Facebook page and posted "This is NOT the group started by former Raleigh city council member David Knight…" They also bought and maintained a domain plus opened up an online merchandise store. In response, we issued a Cease and Desist letter. In the letter we stated that our organization was lawfully formed and registered with the NC Secretary of State’s Office as of 2023.
Sustainable Raleigh will not tolerate organizations and/or people who partake in bullying and deception towards us, or the citizens of Raleigh. We issued this letter to Livable Raleigh because the evidence showed that they, as an organization, or leaders of the organization, were either responsible for or colluded with a third party in this illegal and unethical activity.
Immediately after our Cease and Desist letter was sent to Livable Raleigh, and ONLY to Livable Raleigh, the name of the Facebook group was changed and the website changed to “RALEIGH Sustainability”. The website has since been taken offline. Further, while Livable Raleigh claimed that they were falsely accused, four board members had immediately followed the fake Sustainable Raleigh Facebook page and liked some posts when it was created.
Livable Raleigh has already gone on the attack after they found out we existed and what we stood for. It has attempted to bully our organization, personalizing their attacks and smearing our Board members individually, stating, for example, that David Knight created the organization because he lost his closely contested council seat. Meanwhile, Stef Mendell helped create Livable Raleigh, and she too is a former one-term city councilor who lost to the same David Knight in a head to head matchup by almost 70% of the vote. It was the largest defeat by a city council incumbent in the history of Raleigh.
Livable Raleigh chooses to deceive voters and misinform the public with the goal of stopping sustainable growth and preventing new opportunity for all of the citizens of Raleigh. Livable Raleigh continues to oppose urban and downtown vibrancy, increased density, walkable communities, housing choice, and transit options.
But this isn’t about what certain individuals want, this is about figuring out the best way for Raleigh to move forward that includes all the citizens of the city. If Livable Raleigh wants to join in those discussions cordially and respectfully, then we are happy to engage, however we will not be bullied or smeared nor will we partake in childish back and forths. Raleigh deserves better and Sustainable Raleigh will turn its attention to the important work of making Raleigh a better city for all its citizens to live, work, and play.
- Team Sustainable Raleigh